Biochemic Combination Salts

Biochemic Combination Salts

BIO-COMBINATIONS OR BIO-PLASGENS In human body, there are certain essential salts (inorganic) that are responsible for growth, development and repair of tissue cells. These tissue cells constitute organs. Deficiency of any of these salts can cause disorder and disease...
The Homeopathic Song

The Homeopathic Song

DAWA-rayms B raps for Homeopathy Video clip from the movie -DAWA -The story of Jeremy Sherr, the man how’s gonna save Africa with homeopathic medicine Music-Rayms B Directors: Shahar Galnoor and Shani Ratzabi Photography : Daniel...
The Miracle of Homeopathy

The Miracle of Homeopathy

The Miracle of Homeopathy Confession by Stephan Karian Stephan Karian discusses homeopathy. It been popular in Europe for years and years. It is now beginning to get the reputation it deserves in the United States. Already popular in Germany & other European...