In human body, there are certain essential salts (inorganic) that are responsible for growth, development and repair of tissue cells. These tissue cells constitute organs. Deficiency of any of these salts can cause disorder and disease in a particular organ. As early as 1873, Dr.W.H.Schuessler, M.D., an eminent German homoeopathic physician, found 12 essential inorganic salts which are present in tissue cells of human body, and discovered that the “presence of these 12 salts in the blood and tissues are sufficient to cure diseases caused by their deficiency.” These essential salts are called bio-chemic salts, and the system of therapy researched and established by Dr.W.H.Schuessler is known as bio-chemic therapy. This therapy is an offshoot of homoeopathy as the twelve salts are potentised and used as homoeopathic drugs.

When an imbalance or deficiency of a particular bio-chemic salt is compensated as medicine, it not only alleviates the symptoms and treats the disease caused by the deficiency, but also checks the imbalance of that particular salt. This therapy developed in 19th century, still holds good as millions of patients all over the world are treated by this proven therapy.

1. Bio Combination salts Anaemia

For Anaemia

Calcarea phosphorica 3x Ferrum phosphoricum 3x Natrum muriaticum 6x Kalium phosphoricum 3x in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

Anaemia due to contiunous loss of blood from any part of the body. A general wasting of tissues. Children with poor digestion.

2. Bio Combination salts Asthma

For Asthma:

Magnesia phosphoricum 3x Natrum sulphuricum 3x Natrum muriaticum 6x Kalium phosphoricum 3x

in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

Bronchial asthma with yellow sputum, worse in the evening , asthma accompanied by cough or troublesome flatulence. Asthma aggravated by food or exertion.

3. Bio Combination salts Colic

For Colic:

Magnesia phosphoricum 3x Natrum sulphuricum 3x Calcarea phosphorica 3x Ferrum phosphoricum 3x

in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

Intestinal pain relieved by pressure, flatulent colic, colic due to inflammatory conditions and colic in children during teething or due to flatulence or constipation.

4. Bio Combination Salts Constipation

For Constipation:

Kalium muriaticum 3x Natrum muriaticum 3x Calcarea fluorica 3x Silicea 6x

in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

Bowels constipated without apparent cause, dry, hard, dark coloured stool, dull headache, foul breath, coated-tongue, torpid live, alternate diarrhoea and constipation.

5. Bio Combination Salts Coryza

For Coryza:

Kalium muriaticum 3x Natrum muriaticum 6x Ferrum phosphoricum 3x Kalium sulphuricum 3x

in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

Coryza with headache & sneezing. Contiunous thick, white discharge from the nose or bronchial tubes due to inflammation of the mucous membranes.

6.Bio Combination Salts Cold

For Cold:

Kalium muriaticum 3x Natrum muriaticum 6x Ferrum phosphoricum 3x Natrum sulphuricum 3x Magnesia phosphorica 3x

in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

Acute febrile catarrhal conditions, headache, painful respiration, bronchitis, ratting cough.

7.Bio Combination Salts Diabetes

For Diabetes:

Calcarea phosphorica 3x Kalium phosphoricum 3x Natrum phosphoricum 3x Ferrum phosphoricum 3x Natrum sulphuricum 3x Magnesia phosphorica 3x

In equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

Increased micturition, excessive thirst and dryness, cramps, prostration and sleeplessness. Helps better assimilation of glucose. Kidney and liver functions are also improved.

8. Bio Combination Salts Diarrhoea

For Diarrhoea:

Calcarea phosphorica 3x Kalium phosphoricum 3x Natrum phosphoricum 3x Ferrum phosphoricum 3x Natrum sulphuricum 3x Kalium sulphuricum 3x

in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose : Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

Diarrhoea during dentition, thin watery, greenish stools foul with undigested food. Also indicated in watery stools with blood or yellow, slimy diarrhoea, loose morning stools which at times are involuntary while passing flatus.

9. Bio Combination Salts Dysentery

For Dysentery:

Kalium phosphoricum 3x Kalium muriaticum 3x Ferrum phosphoricum 3x Magnesia phosphorica 3x

In equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

First stage of dysentery with mucus and blood and dysentery with slimy stools. Also indicated when stools have appearance of rice water. It also cover inflammatory and catarhal conditions of intestine with constant urge to empty bowels.

10. Bio Combination Salts Enlarged Tonsils

For Tonsils:

Calcarea phosphorica 3x Kalium muriaticum 3x Ferrum phosphoricum 3x

in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

Inflamed tonsils, follicular tonsillitis, painful with white coating or greyish white patches on tongue or tonsils, bad breath with loss of or lowered appetite.

11. Bio Combination Salts Pyrexia

For Pyrexia:

In Equal Proportion: Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose : Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

Febrile conditions associated with initial inflammatory conditions, chill, sudden rise in temperature and in conditions that tend towards suppuration. It generally covers all mild febrile conditions.

12. Bio Combination Salts Headache

For Headache:

Kalium phosphoricum 3x Magnesia phosphorica 3x Ferrum phosphoricum 3x Natrum muriaticum 3x

In Equal Proportion: Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose : Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

Headache due to sun heat, headache due to congestion, over exertion, lack of sleep, or because of low functioning liver. Nervous headache due to stress, worries and anxiety.

13. Bio Combination Salts Leucorrhoea

For Leucorrhoea:

Kalium phosphoricum 3x Natrum muriaticum 3x Kalium sulphuricum 3x Calcarea phosphorica 3x

in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

4 tablets every three hours or four time.

Indications :

All forms of leucorrhoea, like white of an egg, acrid and watery, during puberty, pregnancy and climacteric, in states of general weakness.

14. Bio Combination Salts Measles

For Measles:

Ferrum phosphoricum 3x Kalium muriaticum 3x Kalium sulphuricum 3x

In equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

Sneezing and thin discharge from nose, eyes are watery, cough and febrile condition. It is a good help in all stages of the disease.

15. Bio Combination Salts Irregular Periods

For Irregular Periods:

Calcarea phosphorica 3x Ferrum phosphoricum 3x Kalium phosphoricum 3x Kalium sulphuricum 3x Magnesia phosphorica 3x

In equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

4 tablets every three hours or four times a day.

Indications :

Irregular cycles, scanty and late in young women, early long lasting and profuse in elderly women. Dysmenorrhoea.

16. Bio Combination Salts Nervous Exhaustion

For Nervous Exhaustion:

Calcarea phosphorica 3x Ferrum phosphoricum 3x Kalium phosphoricum 3x Magnesia phosphorica 3x Natrum muriaticum 3x

in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose : Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

Extreme lassitude, depression, nervousness, irritability, hysterical behaviour, night terrors. somnambulance, mid febrile conditions, loss of or impaired memory, confusion, sleeplessness psychosomatic illness, ill effects of grief and tendency to weep. Also indicated in general weakness of heart and nervous system.

17. Bio Combination Salts for Piles

For Piles:

Calcarea fluorica 3x Ferrum phosphoricum 3x Kalium phosphoricum 3x Kalium muriaticum 3x

in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose : Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day.

Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

Bleeding haemorrhoids, fissures, internal piles with backache, helps in all kinds of piles, external piles with stinging pain, bleeding piles with or without pain.

18. Bio Combination Salts for Pyorrhoea

For Pyorrhoea:

Calcarea fluorica 3x Silicea 6x Calcarea sulphurica 3x

in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose : Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

Spongy and inflamed gums that bleed easily. plus in gums, foul breath, toothache, teeth sensitive to cold and hot drinks.

19. Bio Combination Salts for Joint and Muscle Pain

For Joint and Muscle Pain:

Ferrum phosphoricum 3x Kalium sulphuricum 3x Magnesia phosphorica 3x Natrum sulphuricum 3x

in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

Joint and muscle pains with or without inflammation, stiff neck, shoulder pains, writer’s and player’s cramps. Lumbago and sciatica.

20. Bio Combination Salts for Skin Diseases

For Skin Diseases:

Calcarea fluorica 6x Calcarea sulphurica 6x Natrum muriaticum 6x Kalium sulphuricum 3x Natrum sulphuricum 3x in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

Acne, chaps and cracks, whitlow, eczema, eruptions on the scalp, seborrhoea, psoriasis, herpes, and similar eruptive diseases. It is also indicated in post-operative adhesion and sycotic excrescences.

21. Bio Combination Salts Teething Troubles

For Teething Troubles :

Ferrum phosphoricum 3x Calcarea phosphorica 3x

in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

2 tablets every three hours or four times a day.

Indications :

Tardy dentition. Children who are crying, obstinate, peevish during dentition, improves appetite and digestion, thus helps build body.

22. Bio Combination Scrofula

For Combination Scrofula:

Kalium muriaticum 3x Ferrum phosphoricum 3x Calcarea phosphorica 3x Silicea 6x

in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

It almost covers all symptoms of both dry and suppurating scrophulous glandular abscesses. It also covers acne, erythema and vesicles containing a thick white content.

23. Bio Combination Salts Toothache

For Toothache :

Ferrum phosphoricum 3x Calcarea fluorica 3x Magnesia phosphorica 3x

in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

Neuralgic pain or toothache due to unnatural loosening of teeth. It checks swelling and bleeding of gums and strengthens teeth in their sockets.

24. Bio Combination Salts Debility and Exhaustion

For Debility and Exhaustion:

Calcarea phosphorica 3x Ferrum phosphoricum 3x Kalium phosphoricum 3x Magnesia phosphorica 3x Natrum phosphoricum 3x

in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : Half of the adult’s dose.

Indications :

For tissue building and nutrition to nerves, brain and bones. Tonic for chronically wasting diseases, anaemia, general debility and exhaustion with lack of vitality. For women Weakness caused by child bearing; neurasthenia, anxiety, impaired memory and physical & mental exhaustion due to over work.

25. Bio Combination Salts for Easy Parturition

For Easy Parturition :

Calcarea phosphorica 3x Calcarea fluorica 3x Kalium phosphoricum 3x Magnesia phosphorica 3x

in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

4 tablets every three hours or four times a day.

Indications :

If taken during the entire pregnancy it helps relieve labour pains and promotes easy delivery. Improves health of mother and assists development of the child.

26. Bio Combination Salts for Lack of Vitality

For Lack of Vitality:

Calcarea phosphorica 6x Kalium phosphoricum 3x Natrum muriaticum 6x

in equal proportion. Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 100 mg.

Dose :

4 tablets every three hours or four times a day.

Indications :

Lack of vitality, general debility, weakness, nocturnal emissions, nervousness.