Dr.Smita’s Blog
Recipes, Tips, & More
ENT surgery: Homeopathy
One of the senior ENT surgeon, Head of ENT at a prestigious institute was invited to lecture on ENT & Homeopathy, he shared his clinical experience & the miraculous results he achieved through local application of Homeopathic Medicines. (The surgeon does not...
Biochemic Combination Salts
BIO-COMBINATIONS OR BIO-PLASGENS In human body, there are certain essential salts (inorganic) that are responsible for growth, development and repair of tissue cells. These tissue cells constitute organs. Deficiency of any of these salts can cause disorder and disease...
Homeopathic Child Delivery: Normal Safe Painless Labor
One of the most painful dreaded event in women's life LABOR is a natural process to expel the full term baby in the womb. But, several physical & biological factors may alter the normal process giving rise to last minute or previously identified complication. This...
The Homeopathic Song
DAWA-rayms B raps for Homeopathy Video clip from the movie -DAWA -The story of Jeremy Sherr, the man how's gonna save Africa with homeopathic medicine Music-Rayms B Directors: Shahar Galnoor and Shani Ratzabi Photography : Daniel Kedem
The Miracle of Homeopathy
The Miracle of Homeopathy Confession by Stephan Karian Stephan Karian discusses homeopathy. It been popular in Europe for years and years. It is now beginning to get the reputation it deserves in the United States. Already popular in Germany & other European...
Latest BMI classification for South Asians: WHO
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults. It is defined as the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters (kg/m2). Fit-O-lyzer is first fitness...
Brush your Heart Disease away
Brushing your teeth twice a day not only keeps your teeth & gums healthy, it also prevents heart disease, according to a new study. The Scottish study of more than 11,000 adults backs previous research linking gum disease with heart problems. The researchers said...
Cinnamon to curb Diabetes-II
Cinnamon might improve not only the taste of biryani but also the health of people with diabetes, a new review study suggests. Cinnamon also good source of Potassium, Dietary fiber, Calcium, Iron, Vitamin B-6, Magnesium. Researchers found that people with type 2...
Doctors say ‘NO’ to antibiotics
As bacterial antibiotic resistance continues to emerge as a serious global threat, it is crucial that all clinicians re-examine their use of antibiotics, remaining cognizant of the potential deleterious consequences enumerated above. For dermatologists, eliminating...
Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk
Alzheimer’s disease involves a progressive deterioration of intellect, memory personality, and self care, leading to severe degeneration of nerve cells. Affected cognitive areas can be memory, attention, language, and problem solving. The 7 Dietary Principles to...